A Customer Service Checklist –
Customers are more demanding than ever. Of course, they’ve always been demanding, but today, they have so many different sources to get products and services they often won’t even give a company a second click if their website doesn’t look and feel right. So, I’m happy to share my Customer Service Checklist.
If your goal is to take the customer out of the market and bring them into your business, you know how important those first few impressions are. How well you handle the telephone and customer interactions either makes or breaks the sale. I speak to emails, and internet traffic in another article.
Developing quality systems and processes is essential in nearly every kind of business.
It’s not always easy but important to do. The goal is to get all your team members performing in a certain way under certain conditions.
After assessing a business to determine its strengths and weaknesses, the owner or management team often wanted to make process improvements. I used a checklist as a tool to help a team evaluate where they were at on the scale of providing quality customer service. When the exercise is completed, this creates a pathway to the areas where the team needs improvement.
It’s all a process.
The first step is to have each team member answer the questions. Then, as a group, walk through the answers and see where there are disparities. This exercise is best when there is a group setting so every team member can hear each other’s answers. Depending on the company’s size or the objectives, you might have team members from different departments conduct this exercise.
After you conduct the exercise from each team member’s or a departments perspectives, take the next step and answer these as a customer would. Remember, it’s the customer’s perceptions of your service that provide you the pathway to increases sales and profits.
Click Here to get this easy-to-use checklist that will help you and your team learn how well you provide quality customer service and, more importantly, how to make improvements.